
Terms of Use


Payment may be made in advance of your program in one lump sum or may be financed through equal monthly payments. The Client acknowledges his/ her commitment with TBCommunity for the Platinum Package Online Coaching Program.

This program is NOT refundable for all payments made, including deposit and monthly payments. You are committing to paying for that program in full, regardless of whether or not you complete it. If you cease training before your program duration is completed and are on a monthly payment plan, you agree to pay the remaining service fees in full of your contract. The minimum length of this program is 3months (90days).   If paying monthly, then the client agrees to pay the same total amount but split into monthly payments. Payments will be taken automatically from the client’s payment source on a monthly basis on a date that he/she chooses or otherwise on the day of the month at which the program commenced. Client may be able to put the coaching program on HOLD if for medical reason she/he is no longer able to complete any physical activity. A medical certificate/proof from GP must be provided however, monthly payments will still be required to be paid as per the individual contract. The coaching program can be put on HOLD for a maximum of 6months.  A minimum of 30days (1month) notice must be given in advance if the client wishes to cancel their contract and all cancellations must be made in writing to 


I declare that I have read, understand and agree to the contents of this Total Body Conditioning Agreement in its entirety. By signing this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am legally bound by its content. I understand that I am giving up substantial rights – including my right to sue. I know, understand and appreciate these and other risks that are inherent in these types of activities. I expressly agree and assert that my participation in these programs is voluntary. I knowingly assume all risks and elect to proceed with the participating in the programs despite all the risks. I acknowledge that I am signing this document freely and voluntarily and intend, by my signature, the complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.


The Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the domestic laws of United Kingdom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.